Suggest Updates to the AFTA Website

Please help us keep this website as up-to-date and complete as possible by suggesting information that should be added, updated or deleted if it is no longer accurate. Please tell us about any new developments relevant to temperate agroforestry in North America, e.g., research projects, educational and training opportunities, meetings and field days, new publications  and useful websites.


We're Looking for Information - You Can Help

Here are the types of information about temperate agroforestry we're looking for to keep our website up to date. Your ideas and suggestions are much appreciated, and will help us to better inform the agroforestry community in North America.

Print and Internet

1. New in Print: New published reports, bulletins, journal articles, etc. related to agroforestry in general or particular practices. Please send copies, press releases or web page links.
2. New o­n the Web: Links to pages relevant to agroforestry o­n any website.
3. Current research: Citations of current scientific journal articles; please add a brief annotation.

News Items

1. Meetings calendar: Announcements and calls for papers for conferences, training courses, field days, etc. related to agroforestry, sustainable agriculture, private forestry, etc.
2. Job announcements for full or part-time, graduate student or internship positions.

Database Updates

1. People & Activities database: Agroforestry-related activities that you or colleagues are involved with in your organization, o­n a farm or as a private business. Includes teaching, research, demonstration trials, training, businesses, etc. conducted anywhere in the US or Canada. Please fill out and submit the o­nline form at [link]
2. Bibliography database: Citations of new or recent journal articles, book chapters and monographs related to temperate agroforestry and associated fields. Fill out and submit the o­nline form at [link]

Newsletter Articles

Temperate Agroforester: We welcome submissions to the AFTA newsletter, published both o­nline and in print. This includes feature articles o­n agroforestry research, education, practice and policy, plus book reviews and opinion, from 250-2500 words. Photographs are very welcome (see below). Newsletter deadlines are the 15th of March, June, September and December.

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Silvopasture Contacts

Dr. Terry Clason
Louisiana State University
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Dr. Steven Sharrow
Oregon State University
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